Luxury Car Wash Service

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Phone Number: +37477902229
Mobile Number: +37477902229
Business Hours:
Monday 09:00 - 23:55
Tuesday 09:00 - 23:55
Wednesday 09:00 - 23:55
Thursday 09:00 - 23:55
Friday 09:00 - 23:55
Saturday 09:00 - 23:55
Sunday 09:00 - 23:55
Phone Number: +37477209229
Mobile Number: +37477209229
Business Hours:
Monday 09:00 - 23:55
Tuesday 09:00 - 23:55
Wednesday 09:00 - 23:55
Thursday 09:00 - 23:55
Friday 09:00 - 23:55
Saturday 09:00 - 23:55
Sunday 09:00 - 23:55

About company

High-quality car washing, dry cleaning, detaling and preparation for the sale of your car. Our craftsmen use only high-quality detergents and modern equipment, which allows you to achieve impeccable cleanliness of your car.