Our advanced courses will help you acquire the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of accounting, enhancing your professional capabilities.
Tax Legislation
We offer advanced courses on tax legislation that will help you understand and apply tax law requirements, ensuring compliance and reducing risks.
1C, AS, and Excell Programs
Our specialists will provide you with advanced knowledge and skills in using 1C, HЧ, and Excell programs, simplifying your work and increasing productivity.
Public Procurement
This course is designed to provide deep knowledge about public procurement processes, supporting you in complying with public procurement regulations and participating effectively.
Human Resources Management
We offer courses in human resources management that will help you organize and manage HR processes, ensuring efficient and correct employee management.
Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs and Foundations)
Our courses aim to provide deep knowledge and skills in organizing, managing, and accounting for the activities of NPOs and foundations.
Paid Internships
We offer paid internships where participants will gain practical knowledge and experience, preparing them for the real job market demands.
Additional Information
Basic Accounting Courses
Intermediate Accounting Courses
Advanced Accounting Courses